How to Care for Aging Pets in Albuquerque

In an animal’s advanced years of life, it is important for pet parents to work with an animal hospital in Albuquerque to give dogs and cats the extra care and support they need to feel their best.

3 Ways to Keep Aging Pets Healthy and Happy 

Here are 3 of the best practices for maintaining your aging pet’s health and happiness: 

#1: Integrate Regular Exercise

While your aging pet won’t have the stamina and athleticism that they did in the past, it is important to find age-appropriate ways to keep them active.  Exercise helps maintain muscle tone and joint flexibility, and provides mental stimulation as well. It’s vital to start with a warm-up session, to avoid explosive movements and play and not to overdo it! Listen to what your pet is telling you about when the walk is too long or when it’s okay to keep going.

#2: Keep Extra Weight Off

While it might be tempting to spoil your aging pet by giving them all of the treats they desire, overweight animals are at a much higher risk of health issues in older age. Additionally, excess weight can make walking and everyday activities more of a burden on older animals’ joints and on their heart. Easy ways to keep weight off include regular exercise, regular smaller meals, and avoiding table scraps and an excess of treats. 

#3: Schedule Vet Appointments Regularly

Since aging pets have a heightened risk of systemic disease just as older humans do, it is important to prioritize veterinary check-ups when you pet enters their senior years. . Albuquerque pet owners can expect veterinarians to examine their pet’s eyes, ears, joints, and teeth, draw their blood to check for normal organ function, and feel all over for lumps and bumps. They may also recommend chest x-rays to check the health of your pet’s heart and lungs. This is your opportunity to get answers to any questions or concerns you may have related to any changes in the habits or behaviors of their pet as they age.

Schedule a Check-Up with Petroglyph Animal Hospital in Albuquerque Today

Petroglyph Animal Hospital in Albuquerque is here to help you care for your aging pet. To schedule an appointment with one of our knowledgeable veterinarians, get in touch with our animal hospital staff today!