The Importance of Heartworm Prevention and How to Manage It in Albuquerque

What Is Heartworm in Animals?

Heartworm disease is a potentially fatal condition that affects dogs, cats, and wildlife found in every state in the country. Heartworms are long, thin parasites that live in the heart and lungs of infected animals, causing damage to the organs and eventually leading to the death of the host. The larva is transmitted from pet to pet through the bite of an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes are present in all parts of New Mexico. Even pets who live primarily inside are at risk of being bitten. And did you know that having a heartworm-positive dog living in your neighborhood substantially increases the risk that your own pet will be infected?

How to Avoid Heartworm Disease

Petroglyph Animal Hospital recommends that all dogs and cats be on year-round heartworm prevention as the best defense against this fatal disease. Once your pet is infected, heartworm disease can be difficult and expensive to treat, so it’s best to prevent infection in the first place. We carry a variety of preventive medications – oral, topical, and injectable – and can help you choose the best one for your pet.

Getting Through My Dog’s Heartworm Treatment

Heartworm treatment in dogs is a months-long, expensive process. Consisting of a series of painful injections of what is basically a slow-acting poison, the protocol also requires that your dog must be kept quiet throughout as worms are dying off and passing through the bloodstream. But once the treatment is successfully completed, your dog can live a long, happy, and healthy life. There is no treatment for heartworm disease in cats beyond supportive care as the disease progresses.

How Petroglyph Animal Hospital Can Help

Petroglyph Animal Hospital offers heartworm testing and preventive medications to help keep your pet healthy. Heartworm disease is a preventable condition, and it is important to talk to our veterinarians about the best way to protect your pet. Our hospital has a team of experienced vets who are familiar with the most recent research on heartworm disease and who are dedicated to providing the best possible care for your pet.

If you are in need of heartworm treatment in Albuquerque, New Mexico, contact Petroglyph Animal Hospital today. Better yet, we can help keep your pets safe from disease with heartworm testing and preventive medication!

Contact Petroglyph Animal Hospital to learn more about heartworm disease and how to protect your pet.

Call us today to set up an appointment!