Annual Vaccinations

Get all of the annual dog vaccinations Albuquerque canines need at Petroglyph Animal Hospital. We offer puppy vaccination series, as well as annual and three-year boosters of rabies and other core vaccines. Visit us today and let us keep your dog protected.

The veterinarian Alisha holding a brown puppy with a blue collar.

Dog Vaccinations

Rabies is fatal and has no available treatment. After your dog receives an initial vaccination, it’s recommended that annual boosters are administered. You can also have a 3-year vaccination administered, which will require a booster shot every subsequent three years.

Distemper is an airborne virus that may cause permanent brain damage. Dogs over sixteen weeks old will require two doses given three-to-four weeks apart. Your dog may require booster shots every three years or potentially more often. Consult with a veterinarian to determine a recommended booster schedule.

Parvovirus is a contagious disease that can be fatal if left untreated. This vaccine is administered on a similar schedule to distemper: two doses given three-to-four weeks apart followed by booster shots at least once every three years.

Lyme disease vaccinations are recommended only for dogs with a high risk of exposure to ticks carrying the disease. The initial two doses are administered two-to-four weeks apart and may be needed annually for continued protection.

Petroglyph Animal Hospital is your local source for complete animal healthcare. We offer a full range of medical, dental and surgical services for animals of all shapes and sizes. With a commitment to your pet’s continued health, our compassionate veterinary team will provide your furry family member with the love, attention, and care they need to live long and happy lives.

As man’s best friend, dogs hold a special place in all our hearts. Providing them with the necessary core and recommended non-core yearly vaccinations is a great way to protect them from many painful, often fatal diseases. Stop by Petroglyph Animal Hospital today and speak with one of our friendly veterinary professionals to determine which annual dog vaccinations Albuquerque canines require.

Contact Petroglyph Animal Hospital Today

We understand that pet owners want the very best for their companions. That’s why at Petroglyph Animal Hospital, we offer the most comprehensive care in Albuquerque. Contact us today to make an appointment!