When to Spay and Neuter Your Dog in Albuquerque

Working with a veterinarian to spay and neuter Albuquerque dogs is essential for responsible pet owners. Spaying and neutering are surgical procedures that involve removing an animal’s reproductive organs, rendering them unable to get pregnant or impregnate other dogs.

The Importance of Spaying and Neutering Dogs

There are a few reasons why spaying and neutering can be optimal choices for dogs. First off, these procedures help with the overpopulation of shelters in the United States, an issue that results in hundreds of thousands of dogs getting euthanized each year.

On top of this, spaying and neutering in Albuquerque may offer both behavioral and health benefits for dogs. Not only will this procedure prevent certain cancers and potentially life-threatening uterine infections, but it may also decrease aggression, inappropriate urination, mounting, and roaming behaviors that an intact dog may exhibit.

What Is the Optimal Age for Spaying and Neutering Dogs?

While a veterinarian can spay or neuter your dog as young as 8 weeks of age, there are a few windows of time in a dog’s life that are optimal for the procedure. The best age for neutering and spaying toy and small breed dogs is around six to nine months. Large breed dogs have an ideal spay and neuter age of 12 to 18 months.

If you are unsure of the best time for your furry friend to be spayed or neutered, always consult with a trusted veterinarian to guide you through the process and help you make the best decision based on their unique health needs.

Spay and Neuter Albuquerque Dogs at Petroglyph Animal Hospital Today

To learn more about the ideal age to spay and neuter Albuquerque dogs, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment at Petroglyph Animal Hospital today.